Saturday, May 04, 2024


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras consequat nulla et ligula aliquet tristique. Curabitur non ipsum in enim viverra ullamcorper. Integer luctus ultricies suscipit. Vestibulum id porttitor purus. Ut purus erat, luctus ac laoreet a, luctus eget nulla.

Vestibulum luctus orci tortor, ut interdum ipsum. Proin metus quam, posuere vel semper a, fringilla quis sem. Ut eros orci, convallis sed fringilla in, mattis sed erat. Morbi venenatis lobortis eleifend. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur condimentum convallis mi. Aenean hendrerit lacus at enim molestie vitae ullamcorper ipsum facilisis. Ut ipsum ante, condimentum eget facilisis blandit, rhoncus ac lectus. Integer fringilla bibendum vestibulum.

Pellentesque sollicitudin eros in lectus mollis bibendum. Nulla facilisi. Donec fermentum, massa sit amet tristique mattis, odio eros feugiat nisl, nec dapibus eros velit id orci. Donec urna augue, feugiat a cursus eu, sagittis ut orci. Curabitur vestibulum accumsan enim et mollis. Maecenas eu dolor mauris, vitae mollis sem.

Vestibulum libero augue, blandit egestas vehicula aliquam, commodo mattis odio. Nunc eu purus id ante consectetur ultrices. Aenean ut libero velit, eget lacinia nibh. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent enim ligula, ultricies id ultrices in, viverra id eros. Nunc consectetur malesuada eleifend. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse tempor, ligula ac tristique facilisis, urna nunc elementum risus, id pretium dolor nisl a diam. Aliquam pretium iaculis hendrerit. Nullam quis consequat ante. Nullam auctor volutpat pretium.

Peter Neven

I first started using AB Marine Services a number of years ago and have continued to do so ever since. A prompt response to urgent matters plus safe and reliable work ethic from the AB team has kept our personnel and operations on track.  Peter Neven, Work Co-ordinator

Dr David Rohweder

Sandpiper Ecological Surveys has used AB Marine Services to conduct shorebird surveys at various sites on the Curtis Coast over the past two years. Regardless of whether we are working in Port Curtis, at the northern end of Curtis Island or in Port Alma, AB Marine are always on-time and, most importantly, their skippers are familiar with local conditions which is critical when working in shallow tidal waters. We have often consulted Adam and his crew about weather and tide conditions and have been provided with honest and accurate information. Adam and his team have always been courteous to Sandpiper staff and interested in the work being undertaken, even spotting the occasional shorebird. I have no hesitation recommending AB Marine Services to any organisation that needs to undertake aquatic-based surveys or research along the Curtis Coast. I certainly intend to use AB Marine whenever working in the Curtis Coast region.
Dr David Rohweder, Sandpiper Ecological Surveys

Jess – Wildlife Biologist

I have been out with AB Marine more than ten times in the past year for project work in the Gladstone area. The staff are highly skilled, helpful and flexible and ensure our surveys run smoothly. I would always choose AB Marine as their service and local knowledge is second to none, and recommend them to anyone without hesitation! Jess – Wildlife Biologist

Major Ian Culloden

The purpose of this is to thank you and your staff for the support provided to me and the combined DSTO/US team. I believe that we all agree, your vessel's master on 'Scylla' became a very valued member of our team; above and beyond simply driving a boat. If I'm asked about marine support I'll certainly recommend AB Marine Services. The service was exemplarity. Major Ian Culloden, Defence Science and Technologies Organisation

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